Here’s where you’ll find everything you need to know about what’s happening in the world of sports. Check out stats, updates about your favorite teams and even esports rivalry rumors. Whatever sport you’re into, we’ll scratch that itch for non-stop info.
NFL Fan Bases That Bet the Most Per Season
If there’s one thing that Americans love, it’s football – and they’re betting big on it. NFL wagers are projected to reach a record-breaking $35 billion this season alone – keep in mind, the NFL season is just 4 months long! With an estimated 30%...
NHL Fans Weigh In On Gambling Partnerships: Survey
The Edmonton Oilers recently announced a partnership with Play Alberta, which will now feature Play Alberta’s logo on the Oilers’ home jersey. Many fans were left in the ‘what the puck’ mindset, calling the partnership ‘cringe’ - all while acknowledging it to be ‘inevitable’. Earlier this...