Guinness World Record Contest: Win an all-expense paid trip to Vegas to visit casinos (competition closed)
Note: This competition closed for entries on April 30, 2024. We are in the process of contacting our winner and will update this page accordingly once the winner has been notified and details have been arranged.
Biggest pillow fight, fastest nose-typing, and stretchiest skin – we’re talking about the Guinness Book of World Records. As it turns out, Sin City is all about writing the history of the best, the weirdest, and the wildest. Vegas has found its claim to fame in more ways than one, but its mark in the Guinness Book of World Records is unmatched.

Now, you can get a piece of the record-breaking pie. We’re determined to break the 2017 record for Most Casinos Visited in 24 Hours. For the true casino-afficionados, adventure-seekers, and night owl enthusiasts: this is the competition for you.
What’s in it for you? An all-expense paid trip to Las Vegas, the best night of your life, and the chance at glory! The selected winner will be flown to Las Vegas for a three-night stay. During the trip, the winner will attempt to gamble at as many casinos as possible in 24 hours to overtake the current record of 74. We’re sweetening the deal by offering a $3,000 cash prize for a successful new record. It’s important to note that the competition is only open to US applicants. Think you’ve got what it takes?
Making history has never been more fun and now’s your chance to put your eye (and dye) on the prize. Daredevils will need to do the following:
How it works
- Read the terms and conditions and go to the application page (now closed)
- Tell us why you think you should be the record breaker. This can be either a short essay (around 300 words) or a video submission (less than 2 minutes) sharing your motivations for entry
- Wait for the winner to be announced following the competition closing on April 30, 2024
- Pack your bags and get ready for your all-expense paid trip to Vegas
- If you successfully break the Most Visited Casinos in 24 Hours record, you’ll win an additional $3,000 cash prize
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