20 Surprising Facts About Las Vegas Visitors
The Las Vegas Convention & Visitor Authority has released its wildly entertaining “2015 Las Vegas Visitor Profile Report Thingy.”

Assuming you’re a Las Vegas visitor, and why wouldn’t you be, here are some interesting facts about you, your habits, your preferences and possibly your groove.
1. A hefty 16% of 2015 visitors said they were first-time visitors to Las Vegas.
2. Vegas visitors who said they were married: 79%.

3. Visitors who said they make $40,000 or more: 85%.
4. Of those surveyed, 65% were 40 or older (the average age of a typical Vegas visitor in 2015 was 47.7).
5. Sixteen percent of visitors in 2015 were from a foreign country.
6. Percentage of Las Vegas visitors who attended shows during their stay: 61%.
7. Las Vegas visitors who gambled spent an average of 2.9 hours per day gambling. The vast majority of those people won big, and that’s the story Las Vegas is sticking to.
8. The average gambling budget of a visitor to Las Vegas in 2015 was $578.54.

9. A substantial 73% of visitors said they gambled while in Las Vegas, but that’s down from 77% in 2011.
10. Over the course of their Las Vegas stay, visitors spent an average of $292 for food and drink.
11. Visitors in 2015 stayed an average of 3.4 nights in Las Vegas.
12. The average party size of Las Vegas visitors was 2.2. So, lots of amputees, apparently.
13. The majority of visitors, 63%, said they used the Internet to plan their trip. Smart-ass blogs for the win!
14. Las Vegas visitors who arrived via ground transportation: 57%.
15. A respectable 56% of visitors in 2015 said they have a college diploma.
16. Las Vegas visitors who come from California: 29%.
17. Las Vegas visitors who are retired: 24%.
18. Visitors spent an average of $102.64 for lodging during their stay.

19. About a third of Las Vegas visitors, 32% to be precise, visited downtown during their trip.
20. Ten percent of those surveyed said the primary purpose of their trip was to gamble.
Here’s a bonus bit of trivia from the LVCVA: Las Vegas tourists drank 43.2 million gallons of booze last year. Good going!
Now, if you’d like to see some truly fascinating facts about Las Vegas visitors, check out our Las Vegas Sex Survey.
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