Twerking World Record Broken in Las Vegas
Oh, like we weren’t going to share this news.
According to a news release, adult film star Juelz Ventura broke the world record for twerking at the Crazy Horse 3 strip club in Las Vegas on Sep. 16, 2018.
The standing record was two hours and one minute, but Ventura twerked for an impressive two hours and 30 minutes to snag the record.

The release from Crazy Horse 3 said the “Guinness World Record” for twerking was confirmed by “official timekeepers.”
As far as we can tell, they weren’t Guinness World Record timekeepers, but a couple of really happy guys with stop watches. It’s a tough job, but somebooty’s got to do it.
In fact, we questioned whether there’s a Guinness World Record for twerking at all. We were delighted to discover there is. The previous record was held by Austrian Elena Sofie Sterlini.
Yes, there’s some video of Juelz Ventura’s effort, but this blog it too classy to show it. We are not, however, too classy to provide a link.
The record sounds legit, although we’ll be curious to see if the Guinness World Record folks agree all of Ventura’s moves qualify as “twerking.”
Merriam-Webster defines twerking as “sexually suggestive dancing characterized by rapid, repeated hip thrusts and shaking of the buttocks especially while squatting.”
Yes, prude, “twerking” is in Merriam-Webster.
From what we can tell from repeated viewings of the Ventura video, for research purposes only, a good portion of her moves were clearly twerking. However, there was a fair amount of merely “shaking her moneymaker” as well.
We’re rooting for an official stamp of approval from Guinness World Records so Juelz Ventura can bring this important record back to American soil where it belongs.
No matter how this story shakes out, we’ll be monitoring the situation closely because Las Vegas news like this only comes along once in a blue moon.
We’ll wait.
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