Trevi Italian Restaurant Closes Abruptly at Forum Shops
Trevi Italian Restaurant, a longtime Strip mainstay, has closed permanently at the Forum Shops at Caesars Palace.
Our sources at Caesars Entertainment say the restaurant space will be replaced with a two-story retail concept.
That’s sort of the whole story, but we’re going to add some additional fluff as an excuse to share our incredible photography.

Trevi was part of the Landry’s family of restaurants, the company owned by Tilman Fertitta, who also owns Golden Nugget. Trevi was conceived by the Morton’s Restaurant Group, and was sometimes referred to as “Trevi by Morton’s.”
Morton’s Restaurant Group was assimilated into Landry’s back in 2011.
When it opened in 1992, Trevi was called Lombardi’s. Then Morton’s got involved and Lombardi’s became Bertolini’s, then was rebranded Trevi in 2007.
The restaurant was named Trevi, but was located near the Fountain of the Gods. Here’s a map with the location of the former Trevi.

There is a Trevi fountain replica at the Forum Shops, but it’s outside, nowhere near Trevi restaurant.

Trevi was a great spot for people-watching, but we didn’t find the food particularly memorable, for the most part. We haven’t visited for several years. The restaurant got solid reviews on Yelp, with 3.9 out of five stars.

The cocktails weren’t memorable, either, so we’re glad we took lots of photos of them at some point.

There used to be a gelato stand outside. If you swing by, please let us know if that’s going to stay open, as that would make our day.
Here’s the gelato served at Trevi.

Rumor is Trevi closed without notice, which is disappointing to hear, as that tends to create havoc for employees.
We first heard about the closure from Las Vegas Locally, the second best Twitter account in Las Vegas. Locally also scooped us on the looming closure of Margaritaville. That’s twice as many times as we’ve been scooped by the Las Vegas Review-Journal in 2024. This is really starting to get annoying.
We hope you weren’t emotionally attached to Trevi.
Another Italian restaurant at Forum Shops sort of put Trevi to shame, so give that a go: RPM Italian.
Skip Carmine’s. It’s big on quantity and price, quality not so much.
Hit The Palm Restaurant (unrelated to the Palms casino) if you’re a chicken parm fan. We see they serve Chicken Parmigiana Sliders for happy hour, too. (At the bar, 3:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., Sunday through Friday. This just jumped to the top of our must-try list.)
As for Trevi, it had a very respectable run at Caesars Palace.
The closure could’ve been handled more delicately, but we trust staff members will land on their feet. If they’ve been in the service industry for any length of time, they’re used to owner and management dumbassery.
We aren’t a fan of swapping out Italian for shopping, but things move fast in Las Vegas. This is usually where we say, “When we get more details, you’ll be the first to know,” but that’s not really true. Shopping is one of the most boring things in Las Vegas, aside from sports and conventions and timeshare sales presentations, so you’re on your own.
Update (4/7/24): Here’s an updated pic of the Trevi space.

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