Six Eye-Popping Free Things to See at Wynn Las Vegas
Wynn Las Vegas is truly in a class all its own. It’s one of the premier resorts not just in Las Vegas, but in the world.
While there are lots of things that make the Wynn extraordinary, here are at least six free things we think everybody should see at this popular resort.
1. Floral Carousel
One of the best things about Wynn is the resort doesn’t rest on its laurels. It’s all about upping the game. So, not long ago, the hotel decided it would construct two floral installations. One is an animated carousel, another is a hot air balloon, and both are completely stunning.

The carousel and balloon were conceptualized by event designer, Preston Bailey. Bailey has done public art installations in London, Taipei, Hong Kong and Jakarta.
The ones at the Wynn, however, are our favorite, partially because we have not seen the other ones, but mostly because it’s Wynn Las Vegas. Emphasis on Las Vegas.

The carousel is located in the hotel’s atrium. The carousel is 13 feet tall, 16 feet wide and weighs 6,000 pounds.
When you see it, don’t overlook the details, for they are mind-boggling.

This beautiful public art was built by Wynn Design and Development and Forte Specialty Contractors.
2. Floral Hot Air Balloon
As if the carousel weren’t enough of a treat for the senses, there’s a floral hot air balloon nearby, too. The hot air balloon is 20 feet tall and weighs 4,000 pounds. Quite a bit more after a visit to the hotel’s buffet. We’re just saying.

It’s a credit to the Wynn that these pieces were created just to keep things interesting for visitors.
In the words of Steve Wynn, “All of us in the design and development area of our resorts are always trying to think of new things for the hotel. We love to have this place constantly changing; it makes it much more interesting for all of our guests who come frequently.”

Again, get as close as you can and take in the glorious details of these impressive works. Not too close, though. Both of the floral installations have guards dedicated to protecting them.

3. Popeye Sculpture
Also under close watch (two guards on this one) is a statue of Popeye which Steve Wynn purchased for (drum roll) nearly $28.2 million. Dollars.
The statue was created by artist Jeff Koons, who is currently wealthy enough to purchase Argentina.

The six-and-a-half-foot statue features mirror-polished stainless steel and is finished in kaleidoscopic glazes, whatever those might be.
If you can get past the price of the Popeye statue, it’s actually a great piece of contemporary art. The Guggenheim museum said, “Jeff Koons rose to prominence in the mid-1980s as part of a generation of artists who explored the meaning of art in a media-saturated era and the attendant crisis of representation.”
In that spirit, here’s Popeye’s highly-polished posterior.

4. Tulips Sculpture
Jeff Koons clearly has a fan in Steve Wynn. And if you’re going to have a fan, it might as well be one with a little disposable income.
The second Koons sculpture you can view for free at Wynn Las Vegas is called “Tulips.” Steve Wynn purchased it for $33.6 million. Dollars.

Again, while that price would make an ordinary human’s chest seize up, it’s actually a compelling work of art that anyone can enjoy, even without knowing it was created thanks to Koons’ “continued engagement with the emblems of childhood.” It’s just big and shiny and familiar and fun and awesome. Often, that’s enough.

5. $5,000 Coin Slot Machine
Some of the most jaw-dropping objects at Wynn Las Vegas will never be seen in an art gallery.
Visit the High Limit slots salon at Wynn and you’ll get to caress a slot machine with a one “coin” value of $5,000. Yes, that’s $5,000 a spin!
No worries, though. The jackpot pays $2.5 million, or about the cost of Popeye’s spinach can. Now, that’s truly a thing of beauty.

6. Parasol Down Parasols
From the day Wynn Las Vegas opened, the parasols at Parasol Down have been a draw. They’re colorful and elegant and whimsical and just plain pleasing to the eye.

Sure, there’s a bar down below, but Parasol Down is one of the few places we’ve found where the decor may actually be as intoxicating than the cocktails.

One of the great joys of Las Vegas is simply exploring, seeking out new discoveries and things you’d never see back home. Wynn Las Vegas seems to have an endless supply of such discoveries. So, let the exploring begin.
More photos below, because reading stuff is so 2003.
Things to See at Wynn Las Vegas
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