Rio Throws in the Towel On Its Former McFadden’s Space
It’s been some time since McFadden’s Restaurant and Saloon closed at Rio Las Vegas. It
shuttered, awkwardly, on Dec. 5, 2011.
Soon after, on Dec. 29 of that year, a Rio-operated Irish pub opened in the space, called The Irish Pub. (See other things in Las Vegas named what they are, because naming things is hard.)
Here’s the former McFadden’s space today.

While the McFadden’s space seems to take up prime real estate, just off the casino’s main floor, none of the enterprises in the space have taken off.
Today, the space has been relegated to being little more than a storage unit for slot machines. We breached security to get a photo, of course.

Meanwhile, a new McFadden’s has opened just south of The Strip, in Town Square.

The new McFadden’s joins other bars and restaurants in the popular shopping center, including Blue Martini, Miller’s Ale House, Yard House and English’s. See more.

A new Sugar Factory will also be opening at Town Square, too, in the space formerly occupied by the now-closed Meatball Spot. A grand opening for Sugar Factory Town Square is happening Dec. 6, 2013.

Meatball Spot will re-open at Planet Hollywood, in partnership with none other than Britney Spears.

Visit the Facebooks for all that’s new with McFadden’s and Sugar Factory.
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