Resorts World Las Vegas Whips Out Yet Another Rendering
Resorts World Las Vegas has rolled out a new rendering, another in a series of teases from this under-construction resort on the north end of the Las Vegas Strip.
Here’s the latest from Resorts World.

We’re pleased to report that construction of the Asian-themed resort seems to be accelerating in recent months, after sloth-like progress since its groundbreaking ceremony in May 2015.
It’s estimated Resorts World will cost around $4 billion, and its owner, Genting Group, is clearly killing time until there’s sufficient demand to fill the hotel’s planned 3,000-plus rooms.
Here’s our most recent photo of the construction. By our count, about a dozen floors have been added to the Resorts World hotel tower since early 2018.

Genting still claims the massive resort will open in 2020, the same year the Raiders stadium will be completed, as well as an expansion to the Las Vegas Convention Center.
It’s fun to compare the new Resorts World rendering to what might have been, Echelon Place. Here’s a look at Echelon, abandoned during the economic meltdown of 2008.

It seems more frequent updates about Resorts World may be in order now that there’s visible progress being made.
A recent story on KSNV News 3 in Las Vegas reports Resorts World claims 800 people are currently working at the resort site.
Genting says the two hotel towers are now “more than double their initial height” and workers on-site will increase six-fold in the first half of 2019.
A company rep stated 25 floors have been poured in one tower and 22 in another. Ultimately, the hotel will be 60 stories tall.
Genting further shared glass will arrive and be installed in fall 2018. Topping out of the towers will happen in fall 2019.
The company remains confident construction will be completed at the end of 2020. We predict Resorts World will blow right through that completion date. Experts agree.
We love new and shiny, and Resorts World is shaping up to be downright lustrous.
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