Red Square Restaurant and Vodka Bar Closes at Mandalay Bay
A longtime Las Vegas fixture, Red Square Restaurant and Vodka Bar at Mandalay Bay, has closed.
The Russian-themed restaurant closed Nov. 17, 2019. It opened back in 1999.

We honestly have no idea what made Red Square last 20 years, but we’re betting there was vodka involved.
At one time, Red Square boasted what was billed as the largest collection of vodka in the world.
Perhaps Red Square’s most recognizable feature was its headless Vladimir Lenin.

Red Square was taken over by Disruptive Restaurant Group, a division of SBE (the folks involved with SLS at one point), in Feb. 2019.
It’s likely MGM Resorts, owner of Mandalay Bay, realized what the new owners of SLS—now Sahara—did: Paying licensing fees to a third party can take a hefty bite out of profits and leave a restaurant (wait for it) in the red.
While plans for the Red Square space haven’t been announced, we’d wager the new restaurant will be managed in-house.
Dasvidaniya, Red Square.
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