Golden Gate Hosts Blow-Out to Celebrate Appearance on Syfy’s “Naked Vegas”
As if the Golden Gate in downtown Las Vegas weren’t famous enough (it opened in 1906), its autograph is now worth a fortune after being featured on an episode of the Syfy “reality” series, “Naked Vegas.”
“Naked Vegas,” which airs Tuesdays at 10:00 p.m., features the world of body painting, and Golden Gate was the star of the show on Nov. 12, 2013.

Because Golden Gate is so flipping awesome, it held a viewing party on the casino floor, complete with face- and body-painted go-go bartenders.
We were there to catch all the action, of course, which had nothing whatsoever to do with the aforementioned go-go bartenders, we swear.

Showing off their acting chops on “Naked Vegas” were the owner of the Golden Gate, easily the most loveable casino owner in Las Vegas, Derek Stevens, and all-around lovely person and Executive Casino Host, Whitney Godard.

Our blog post about sneaking onto the set during the taping of “Naked Vegas” has gotten an alarming number of visits. We’re as shocked by the idea people may be searching for both the term “naked” and “Vegas” in Google as you no doubt are.
The Golden Gate episode of “Naked Vegas” was taped in the casino’s high limit salon on Aug. 29, 2013.

The Golden Gate is one of the happiest places not just in Las Vegas, but on Earth, and as such knows how to throw a party. There was even a specialty cocktail for the screening party, the “Naked Vegas Camo,” inspired by the episode’s theme.
The face-painting was impressive, and after the bartenders were transformed, guests on the Fremont Street Experience got to be painted, too.

Of course, we’d be remiss if we didn’t mention the fact that while “Naked Vegas” purports to be a “reality” series, that’s what’s known in TV production parlance as “complete and utter horseshit.” The scenarios in the show are entirely made up, orchestrated and scripted for the benefit of viewers.
We give the folks at Golden Gate, and comedy-magicians Penn & Teller, who were also featured in the episode, credit for being good sports and playing along with the show’s premise, but ultimately “Naked Vegas” is a big, fat lie. Coming from the folks who brought us “Sharknado,” perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised.

In any event, it was great seeing Las Vegas in the spotlight, and equally great having an excuse to hang out at Golden Gate, as if we didn’t do that several nights a week already.
Please enjoy more photos of attractive people and their various cleavages in our exclusive gallery.
Golden Gate "Naked Vegas" Party
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