Behold the Biggest Circa Las Vegas Resort Preview Photo Gallery in the World
Circa Las Vegas, the first new downtown casino resort for decades, opens Oct. 28, 2020.
As usual, we couldn’t wait, so we’ve put together the biggest pre-opening photo gallery of Circa in existence.

During our recent visits, we got the witness the resort putting the final touches on Circa (which is why you’ll see some ladders, exposed wires and plastic-covered tables in the pics).
We can’t thank Circa enough for letting us get an early look at this amazing new Las Vegas destination.
The bottom line: We loved every inch of the place. If you get our drift.

We were literally breathless seeing Circa’s massive sportsbook for the first time, and we are not even a sports person.
Rumor has it the manufacturers of Circa’s sportsbook screen, upon seeing it for the first time, were equally stunned. And they made the thing!

Circa’s restaurants were cranking out delicious food during an employee play date as bartenders and dancing dealers were put through their paces.
Thanks to Circa owner Derek Stevens, we were given the honor of being the first to share Circa’s chips (photo below).
The reveal of the chips was topped by Stevens’ “secret” project, the creation of casino plaques. He was giddy to share these beauties he describes as “highly desirable.”

There was some truly unique and remarkable moments at the Circa play date, as Derek Stevens actually got to gamble at his own casino, a no-no for owners when actual money is being wagered.
Stevens tried his hand at video poker, roulette and craps.

Fun fact: Stevens and his wife Nicole won $183,000 in pretend money at dice thanks to his wise choice to find a “virgin” shooter, his executive assistant, Yivi.
Circa is as beautiful as the renderings, and Circa has pretty much delivered on the hype, much of it ours. Yes, we’ve been a Circa cheerleader. That’s because beyond loving what we’ve seen and consumed so far, it’s objectively awesome. Circa is also the good news Las Vegas could use right now.

The only asterisk is Circa’s much-touted “adults-only” status isn’t technically accurate. A contractual loophole means kids will be allowed into the resort’s steakhouse, Barry’s. Hey, nobody’s perfect.
The centerpiece of Circa features the long-awaited return of Vegas Vickie, an iconic Las Vegas neon sign which sat above the former Glitter Gulch strip club.
She is absolutely glorious, and Circa is making the most of this newly-refurbished blast from the past.
We are confident enough in our masculinity to admit seeing Vickie lit up for the first time was one of several times we started opening weeping during our initial visits to Circa. Ditto our first Captain Morgan and diet.

There’s far too much ground to cover in one blog post, so we’ll set you on your visual journey through Circa via our photo gallery.
There, you’ll get an inside peek at Circa’s special places (hello, high limit slot salon), its restaurants and menus, its artwork and its casino floors.

We’ve made no effort to hide the fact we’re smitten. We love what Circa co-owners Derek and Greg Stevens (more from the latter on our next podcast episode) have done downtown and Circa is the crown jewel.
Big socially-distanced hugs to Circa for letting us share these work-in-progress, unretouched, plastic-wrapped, home stretch blemishes-and-all images.

Circa has already exceeded expectations and it hasn’t even opened yet! Say “hello” to our new home away from home, Circa Las Vegas.
Related: We get the question about how much Circa Las Vegas cost often. Since we’re the only one with the answer, here it is: While it’s never been officially announced or confirmed, our information is Circa resort cost $1.156 billion to build.
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