Today’s Las Vegas Panty-Dropper Cocktail
It’s our ongoing mission to seek out some of the most seductive cocktails in Las Vegas to provide you and your special someone a little social lubrication.
In this installment, it’s the magnificent “Hemingway Visits Asia” at Twist restaurant and bar in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. No, the Mandarin doesn’t have a casino, but after you try this cocktail, all will be forgiven.

Here’s what’s in this delectable intoxicant: Bacardi Dragon Berry rum, Cedilla Açai liqueur, Luxardo Cherry liqueur, lime juice and a splash of grapefruit.
Bonus trivia: A “cedilla” is a “ç” with a little tail, as in the word “Açai” (pronounced ah-sigh-ee, by the way.) Honestly, what visit to Las Vegas wouldn’t be improved by a little tail?
The Hemingway Visits Asia cocktail will set you back $18, but remember: 1) it’s the Mandarin Oriental, 2) the view is incredible at Twist, 3) did we mention the panty-dropping part?
You’re welcome.
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