11 Alternate Uses for Your Casino Players Club Card
If you’re like us, you have a serious surplus of casino loyalty club cards.
Over time, dupes and expired players club cards seem to magically accumulate, but rather than discarding them (literally), consider one of our 11 alternate uses for these otherwise pesky cards. You might end up saving time, money or valuable landfill space. (Not really, but it sounds good, doesn’t it?)

1. iPhone Stand
Here’s a trick that’s convenient and a money-saver. Just make a couple of bends in your card, and you’ve got a handy iPhone stand, perfect for multimedia viewing on the fly.

Why waste money on cell phone accessories when you can waste it on lap dances and gambling instead? The players club card smartphone stand is adjustable, too. Just change the angle of the bends. This isn’t rocket science.

2. Paint Masking Tool
Painter’s tape and edge-painting tools can be a pain, so try this “Why didn’t I think of that?” technique.

3. Crumber
You’ve no doubt seen them in high-end restaurants, as servers and bus boys use their “crumbers” (also called “groomers”) to clean tables between courses. A players club card can accomplish the same task, but without all the pretense.

4. Guitar Pick
If you’re a plucker, no problem, but if you’re a strummer, you’re probably going to need a pick. This handmade pick is great in a pinch, and you can cut out about six from a typical players club card.

5. Ninja Throwing Star
You just never know when your enemies might try a sneak attack. With a little practice, and a flick of the wrist, a thrown players card can wreak some serious havoc.

6. Optical Illusion
Players club cards are so versatile, they can even serve as conversation starters. Here’s a cool effect that seems to defy the laws of the natural world. You know, like Criss Angel. (And we don’t mean that in a good way.)

Of course, you’ll want step-by-step instructions so you, too, can impress friends and loved ones. As long as your friends and loved ones are easily impressed, of course.
7. Door Key
Credit cards have been used to “jimmy” locks for years, and players club cards can serve the same function. Assuming you’re trying to unlock a door from the 1960s.

8. Bike Spoke Flapper
Try some good, clean fun by affixing a card to your child’s bike with duct tape. As the spokes hit the card, the bike will sound like a motorcycle. A really lame motorcycle, but that’s beside the point.

9. Cake Cutter
Twinkies are back, and you know you’ll be forced to share, so use your card as a close-at-hand cutter. It works well for regular cakes, too, but we were trying to be topical.

10. Picture Frame
There’s no better way to showcase your Las Vegas memories than a picture frame fashioned from a players card. Just use an X-Acto knife to cut out the middle of your card, but be careful. If you lose a finger, suddenly we’re the jerks.

If you’re really crafty, you’ll want to use the cut-out part of the card as a frame stand (see below).

11. Cord Organizer
It’s about time you got the chaos around you under control. Those tangled cords are messing with your feng shui, but tranquility can be yours with a few simple alterations to your loyalty club card.

Sure, there are many more clever uses for players club cards, but the number “11” has a nice ring to it. Use your cards to smooth out the bubbles in bumper stickers, to scrape the crud from the walls of an aquarium or the ice from your car windows (probably not in Las Vegas), or even as a caulking aid.
If you have other ideas, we’d love to hear them. If you think ours are stupid, please keep it to yourself.
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