Restaurants in Casinos Get Go-Ahead to Reopen
The Nevada Gaming Control Board has given restaurants inside Las Vegas casinos the go-ahead to reopen, despite the fact casinos remain closed.
Restaurants outside casinos were approved to offer dine-in service on May 9, 2020.

Restaurants within casinos have to meet certain requirements to be able to reopen. Put on your specs and take a look.

The details are: Something about entrances, something about restrooms, something about directives, something about a population of 100,000 or more.
Look, we can’t do everything for you. We are a blog and we are quite possibly drunk. Read more. Here’s a link to the “Roadmap.”
Restaurants in casinos have to show customers can enter without “traversing the gaming floor.”
Customers also must be able to hit the restroom without doing any traversing, which sort of disqualifies most restaurants in casinos because we can’t really think of many that have their own restrooms.
Oh, well, on the bright side, this won’t mean much when the casinos open. Which they will do any minute now. And we aren’t just saying that because we’re drunk. Probably.
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