Vital Vegas Podcast, Episode 15: Topgolf, MGM Resorts Parking Lowdown and More
Against all odds, it’s time for another unsatisfying episode of the Vital Vegas Podcast!
This time around, we talk Steve Wynn doing a downtown zipline, Topgolf’s smashing debut, Fremont casino’s 60th birthday and whatever else happened to spill from our mouth during our drunken stupor.

We also tip our hat to the 360 Vegas Podcast. The show recently hosted its 360 Vegas Vacation in Las Vegas, and thanks to the poor judgment of its organizer, we were invited.
Also in this episode, the final show of our first season, we dive face-first into the details of the new paid parking program at MGM Resorts hotels in Las Vegas. Paid parking begins at a number of MGM Resorts hotels on the Las Vegas Strip on June 6, 2016.
We also shamelessly recycle a recent blog post about the recent birthday of the cheese-filled classic, “Viva Las Vegas.”
Join the Las Vegas fun and take a listen. It’s a wonderful excuse to avoid spending more time with your family!
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