TGI Fridays Close at Four Las Vegas Casinos

TGI Fridays restaurants closed simultaneously and permanently on Jan. 29, 2025 at four Las Vegas casinos: The Orleans, Sam’s Town, Aliante and Gold Coast. All four casinos are owned by Boyd Gaming, and the company is already looking for new tenants for these spaces.

The reliably mediocre TGI Fridays has been having a moment recently. The company filed bankruptcy in Nov. 2024 and has been closing locations across the country. Like most things, we didn’t care until it affected casinos.

Employees reportedly received a week’s notice about the closures, a final kick in the nads to the folks who did their best to make the most of a brand that peaked in 2008.

Don’t shoot, or sue, the messenger.

It’s worth noting that while it’s TGI Fridays now, the chain’s logo and signs used to say “T.G.I. Friday’s.”

In 2013, somebody got a clue and realized how moronic the apostrophe was. They also lost the periods in “T.G.I.,” which stands for “Thank God It’s.” The original logo also had a lower case “i” in “Friday’s.” Graphic designers be kray.

The company answers to “TGI Fridays” and “Fridays,” according to its Web site.

TGI Fridays is owned by TriArtisan Capital Advisors, which just screams fun.

We last visited a TGI Fridays, as most people did, in roughly 2010. At The Orleans. Even then, God was trying to distance himself from the brand.

Ultimately, the closure of these four Fridays locations gives Boyd Gaming a chance to find new partners or come up with their own concepts to breathe some new life into these underperforming spaces.

Until they fill these spots, you can avail yourself of other, better, dining options nearby. Because literally anything else is better than TGI Fridays.