Nerds Rule: “Star Trek” Record Crushed at Rio Vegas
All the good stuff happens in Las Vegas. In this case, it was a new world record for “Most People Dressed in ‘Star Trek’ Costumes.” And, yes, in nerd circles, this is a pretty big deal. (It should be mentioned “nerd” is said with affection, as we are they.)
The new record was claimed at the Rio Las Vegas, during the annual official “Star Trek” convention, and 1,085 costumed attendees took part.

Of special interest to “Trek” fans is the fact record-breaker 1,085 was actress Terry Farrell, who played hottie Jadzia Dax on “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine,” and no, we can’t believe we knew that either.
The official “Star Trek” convention at Rio spanned several days and featured 100 guests, including William Shatner, and honestly, do we need to list any others? It’s freaking James Tiberius Kirk, already.
We love us some people-way-into-“Star Trek.”

The previous record of 1,063 costumed people was attained at the Destination Star Trek London gathering in October 2012. As the Klingons would say, “JIQoS, qoH!” Translated, “Sorry, suckers!”

Las Vegas has played host to just about every kind of convention you can imagine, including tattoo conventions, MerCon (a mermaid convention), a celebrity impersonator convention and RollerCon (for lovers of roller derby).
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