Company Creates Socks That Smell Like Las Vegas
It’s an idea so crazy, it just might work. A company out of Bulgaria, Stinky Socks, has created a line of scented socks intended to remind people of their favorite places, including Las Vegas.
The socks are touted as carrying the scent of “the beach, the mountains and the heart of the city.”
The “city” in question? Las Vegas, of course.

We reached out to Stinky Socks to see what inspired the scent for the Las Vegas socks, and the company’s CEO, named Risto, said, “I would describe it as a mix of old, heavy furniture mixed with air that wasn’t moved a lot.” We are intrigued.
As far as the design, Risto said, “[The socks] were inspired partly from carpets back in the day, mixed with some disco elements from the ’80s.” Read more from Risto.
Longtime casino visitors may see some similarities to the kitschy carpeting at Stardust.
The latest batch of socks from Stinky Socks was intended to appeal to folks staying home during the COVID-19 shutdown.
Here’s a look at a video promoting the fragrant socks.
Given the wide, wide variety of smells in Las Vegas, we’re curious to experience these socks first-hand. First nostril? Whatever works.
Vegas fans have long had an appetite for the smells of their beloved casinos. Companies have churned out Vegas-scented candles and aroma machines paying homage to our favorite places to stay and play. Sans the cigarette and cigar smoke, typically.
Find out more at the Stinky Socks Web site. Which is, frankly, a sentence we never imagined we’d be typing in this Las Vegas blog.
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