Behold the Completed High Roller Observation Wheel
Progress on the High Roller Ferris wheel in Las Vegas, the tallest observation wheel in the world at 550 feet, is moving along at an admirably brisk pace.
As of our visit on Nov. 14, 2013, nine of the High Roller’s 28 passenger cabins have been installed along the wheel’s rim, with four more on-site, ready to go.
Though we appreciate the rapidity of the wheel’s assembly, we’re impatient, so we decided to jump ahead to the end of the construction process. (Yes, we used to do the same thing with mystery novels, back when people used to read books.)
Here, then, for the first time anywhere, is a photo of the completed High Roller observation wheel in Las Vegas, with all 28 of her passenger pods in place.

If you don’t experience a sense of wonder when you view this photo of the High Roller from its not-too-distant future, you may very well be an anvil.
But wait, there’s more.
If you’re even remotely as enamored with the High Roller Ferris wheel as we are, you’ll want to gaze lovingly at it all day on your computer screen. Therefore, you’ll want to download our photo as a desktop background wallpaper thingy.
Here are some pretty common wallpaper sizes for your viewing and sharing pleasure. Download the computer wallpaper at 1280×1024, 1440×900, 1920×1080 and 2560×1600.
You’re welcome.
You know people in London are crying right now, right? “Boo-hoo,” they’re saying with their British accents, “we had to wait until the London Eye was actually finished before we could see a photo of it, you know, finished.”
Sorry, London. Maybe this is why England isn’t the boss of, like, 100 countries anymore. Seriously, the Pitcairn Islands? Who even knows where those are? But we digress. It’s the rum.

The High Roller won’t officially open for business at The Linq district until mid-2014, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it now. It’s already getting the attention of people around the globe, and it doesn’t even have all its parts yet.
Unless you visit, of course. You’re smart like that.
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