SCF20 - Santa's Stunning SnG

SCF20 - Santa's Stunning SnG

The gifts keep coming! Up next is Santa’s Stunning SnG, where you can play in Santa’s Special SnGs to earn tournament points and knockouts for TWO SnG leaderboards.

From Monday, December 21st through Sunday, December 27th, Santa is hosting his own 18 player, 6-handed sit'n'go tournaments, featuring a buy-in of 1,500 chips. These will be available in Hold'em and Omaha Hi/Lo.

All in all, there’s a share of 14,000,000 chips up for grabs! Check out the SnG Lobby to participate in the merriment.

Santa's Stunning SnG Leaderboards

LeaderboardPrize PoolPaid Positions
SnG Points7 Million chipsTop 50
Knockouts7 Million chipsTop 50

Please note:

  • Included SnGs are shown in light green on the Lobby page.
  • SnG tournaments starting after December 20th 23:59 ET are excluded from the Leaderboards.
  • These SnGs are excluded from any other Leaderboard competitions.