7 Card Stud Spectacular - Summer Edition

7 Card Stud Spectacular - Summer Edition

If you love Stud, then you are sure to love Replay Poker's 7 Card Stud Spectacular - Summer Edition!

Starting Monday, July 8th, through Sunday, July14th you can join this exciting challenge by playing in our special 50,000 chip entry Stud Hi and Stud Hi/Lo MTTs. There will be 6 of these throughout the day, so you'll have 42 chances throughout the week to play and win big!

In order to win a share of the 7,000,000 chips on offer you will need to place in the top 50 of our weekly leaderboard (see bottom of this page). The leaderboard measures how many Tournament Points you earn over the course of the week and only your best 7 tournament results will count.

And if this wasn't exciting enough, every 7 Card Stud Spectacular MTT has a 1 Million Chip Guarantee!

Fancy joining for free? Use promo code: STUD to get 2 X 50K FREE tickets! Promo code is valid July 8-14. Can be redeemed only once.

Head over to our MTTs Lobby to get in on the action now!



7 Card Stud7 Card Stud Hi/Lo7 Card Stud7 Card Stud Hi/Lo7 Card Stud7 Card Stud Hi/Lo


Final rankings for 583 players
1removemorcosborcos morcosborcos202,974 tournament points1,400,000 chips
21 arrow_upward_snowman_ _snowman_197,085 tournament points980,000 chips
31 arrow_downwardivarsk ivarsk177,418 tournament points700,000 chips
4removedoc518 doc518170,296 tournament points490,000 chips
5removethinman223 thinman223155,202 tournament points350,000 chips
6removeAshkernazy Ashkernazy151,634 tournament points280,000 chips
7removedonkatwork donkatwork144,081 tournament points227,500 chips
8removebaker1234 baker1234134,572 tournament points192,500 chips
9removeluckysoul2 luckysoul2126,822 tournament points157,500 chips
10removeimtheone123 imtheone123124,212 tournament points122,500 chips
11removecmdealin cmdealin123,900 tournament points87,500 chips
12removeBatman1517 Batman1517121,171 tournament points87,500 chips
132 arrow_upwardfrans39 frans39117,099 tournament points87,500 chips
141 arrow_downwardBrainy0487 Brainy0487116,162 tournament points87,500 chips
151 arrow_downwardmiri123 miri123112,714 tournament points87,500 chips
16removeLuckyDONK LuckyDONK107,403 tournament points70,000 chips
179 arrow_upwardRd260 Rd260104,122 tournament points70,000 chips
181 arrow_downwardTommySlick TommySlick103,695 tournament points70,000 chips
191 arrow_downwardPacificPlayer PacificPlayer100,584 tournament points70,000 chips
201 arrow_downwardChicagoSerbs ChicagoSerbs100,329 tournament points70,000 chips
211 arrow_upwardnicksart nicksart99,032 tournament points52,500 chips
222 arrow_downwarddeflep999 deflep99996,492 tournament points52,500 chips
232 arrow_downward-o_V_o- -o_V_o-95,259 tournament points52,500 chips
245 arrow_upwardkangeroo kangeroo93,564 tournament points52,500 chips
252 arrow_downwardwildduces wildduces91,029 tournament points52,500 chips
262 arrow_downwardrkaiser6 rkaiser688,409 tournament points52,500 chips
272 arrow_downwardMadElvis MadElvis87,028 tournament points52,500 chips
281 arrow_downwardMIYY4U MIYY4U86,429 tournament points52,500 chips
291 arrow_downwardDonkeyHaute DonkeyHaute85,407 tournament points52,500 chips
30removeRichRichie95 RichRichie9584,800 tournament points52,500 chips
31removeYooper48 Yooper4884,032 tournament points43,750 chips
32removelettucepicker lettucepicker82,159 tournament points43,750 chips
33removemarcumhomer marcumhomer79,380 tournament points43,750 chips
34removeodxium odxium75,911 tournament points43,750 chips
35removeIDROPDUECES IDROPDUECES74,834 tournament points43,750 chips
36removeshrk69 shrk6974,292 tournament points43,750 chips
37removeguguce guguce74,055 tournament points43,750 chips
38removecybery cybery73,618 tournament points43,750 chips
39removeWaynebuddy Waynebuddy72,578 tournament points43,750 chips
40removekrob0888 krob088871,339 tournament points43,750 chips
41removelou322 lou32271,277 tournament points35,000 chips
42removeRick1ruler Rick1ruler70,813 tournament points35,000 chips
438 arrow_upwardmcmama mcmama70,041 tournament points35,000 chips
441 arrow_downwardNeNe123 NeNe12367,835 tournament points35,000 chips
451 arrow_downwardbenxa benxa67,355 tournament points35,000 chips
461 arrow_downwardgoofyplayer goofyplayer66,218 tournament points35,000 chips
471 arrow_downwardphilanddit philanddit65,177 tournament points35,000 chips
481 arrow_downwardIceface69 Iceface6964,563 tournament points35,000 chips
4981 arrow_upwardwildwilliano wildwilliano63,636 tournament points35,000 chips
502 arrow_downwardacesup222 acesup22263,632 tournament points35,000 chips
512 arrow_downwardlusssty lusssty62,952 tournament points-
522 arrow_downwardbeakwyatt beakwyatt62,381 tournament points-
531 arrow_downwardBoringAL BoringAL61,888 tournament points-
541 arrow_downwardJulbug Julbug61,390 tournament points-
5510 arrow_upwardhankimble hankimble61,363 tournament points-
562 arrow_downwardTroubleUnit TroubleUnit60,929 tournament points-
572 arrow_downwardfreddiebc freddiebc59,511 tournament points-
582 arrow_downwardML4fun ML4fun57,871 tournament points-
592 arrow_downwardpaymetoo paymetoo56,936 tournament points-
602 arrow_downwardfischer fischer56,796 tournament points-
612 arrow_downwardpuddinpaks puddinpaks56,244 tournament points-
622 arrow_downwardlidaatje lidaatje55,685 tournament points-
632 arrow_downwardtink92669 tink9266954,927 tournament points-
642 arrow_downwardclaudeman claudeman54,793 tournament points-
6515 arrow_upwardparkerparker parkerparker54,701 tournament points-
663 arrow_downwardMrBob775 MrBob77554,505 tournament points-
6710 arrow_upwardBigrudge Bigrudge54,493 tournament points-
684 arrow_downwardLuvingIt LuvingIt54,327 tournament points-
6915 arrow_upwardMagicPassport MagicPassport54,165 tournament points-
704 arrow_downwardrich50 rich5053,871 tournament points-
714 arrow_downwardnonibb nonibb53,627 tournament points-
724 arrow_downwardca549650 ca54965052,775 tournament points-
734 arrow_downwardSupnzi Supnzi52,587 tournament points-
744 arrow_downwarddingdong971 dingdong97152,405 tournament points-
754 arrow_downwardsammydogs sammydogs52,391 tournament points-
7618 arrow_upwardPP1000 PP100050,734 tournament points-
775 arrow_downwardRBIVT RBIVT50,529 tournament points-
785 arrow_downwarddobro777 dobro77750,267 tournament points-
795 arrow_downwardTheAntMan TheAntMan49,893 tournament points-
805 arrow_downwardTsarNikolai TsarNikolai49,049 tournament points-
815 arrow_downwardDudeItsDad DudeItsDad48,785 tournament points-
824 arrow_downwardStewGoing StewGoing48,398 tournament points-
834 arrow_downwardgja101 gja10148,169 tournament points-
843 arrow_downwardmattiemae1 mattiemae146,889 tournament points-
853 arrow_downwardsytry44 sytry4445,874 tournament points-
863 arrow_downwardHeyHandsOff HeyHandsOff45,800 tournament points-
8714 arrow_upwardIseldombluff Iseldombluff45,165 tournament points-
883 arrow_downwardBbc69420 Bbc6942044,495 tournament points-
893 arrow_downwardrayronald rayronald44,174 tournament points-
903 arrow_downwardDillbee Dillbee44,004 tournament points-
913 arrow_downwardRabbit230 Rabbit23043,835 tournament points-
923 arrow_downwardyoubetyeah1 youbetyeah142,847 tournament points-
933 arrow_downwardGebakkenLucht GebakkenLucht42,766 tournament points-
943 arrow_downwardjuanka0968 juanka096841,617 tournament points-
953 arrow_downwardladylulu ladylulu41,562 tournament points-
963 arrow_downwardpoochyb12 poochyb1241,432 tournament points-
9720 arrow_upwarduniverselove universelove40,980 tournament points-
983 arrow_downwardxixix xixix40,943 tournament points-
993 arrow_downwardBoshin Boshin40,441 tournament points-
1003 arrow_downwardSue13 Sue1340,174 tournament points-