King of Knockouts (March)

King of Knockouts (March)

Feelin' competitive? The leaderboard below tracks every knockout scored in our PKO tourneys (10K to 50K stakes) from March 18th till March 24th.

Your goal? Score as many knockouts as possible, climb up the ranks, and you could be crowned king plus nab a piece of the 50 million chip prize pool!

PRO TIP: Use promo code: KING to get 1 x 50K PKO tournament ticket and join this challenge for free! Promo code is valid March 18-24. Can be redeemed only once.

Want to learn more about PKO tourneys? Click here.


Final rankings for 2,237 players
1removemorcosborcos morcosborcos105 bust outs10,000,000 chips
2remove-o_V_o- -o_V_o-73 bust outs7,000,000 chips
3removepup61 pup6166 bust outs5,000,000 chips
4removeKutman Kutman57 bust outs3,500,000 chips
5removefill119 fill11947 bust outs2,500,000 chips
6removeRCEGPRO RCEGPRO46 bust outs2,000,000 chips
72 arrow_upwardChicagoSerbs ChicagoSerbs40 bust outs1,500,000 chips
81 arrow_downwardrac_raf rac_raf39 bust outs1,250,000 chips
91 arrow_downwardloserbk loserbk38 bust outs1,000,000 chips
10removeant1j ant1j36 bust outs657,500 chips
-removeDevBomb DevBomb36 bust outs657,500 chips
12removeDonGates DonGates30 bust outs565,000 chips
134 arrow_upwardjumper602 jumper60229 bust outs565,000 chips
141 arrow_downwardcallnow callnow28 bust outs465,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardColt1619 Colt161928 bust outs465,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardlur22 lur2228 bust outs465,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardNeuroBash NeuroBash28 bust outs465,000 chips
181 arrow_downwardJazzyjef Jazzyjef26 bust outs365,000 chips
19removeMAMASAN MAMASAN25 bust outs365,000 chips
20removeRanybodyf Ranybodyf24 bust outs365,000 chips
21removepietro06 pietro0623 bust outs270,000 chips
-removevolley7 volley723 bust outs270,000 chips
23removeAceOfAttitude AceOfAttitude22 bust outs270,000 chips
-removeIceface69 Iceface6922 bust outs270,000 chips
-removejlfdixie jlfdixie22 bust outs270,000 chips
26removeaustrodada austrodada21 bust outs220,000 chips
-removeIllcallall Illcallall21 bust outs220,000 chips
-removemaGGiesGun maGGiesGun21 bust outs220,000 chips
-removeMonsterCards MonsterCards21 bust outs220,000 chips
-removePos111 Pos11121 bust outs220,000 chips
31removedingdong971 dingdong97120 bust outs180,000 chips
-removeNicasurf Nicasurf20 bust outs180,000 chips
-removeplayforfunV playforfunV20 bust outs180,000 chips
-removePlrBrsDad PlrBrsDad20 bust outs180,000 chips
35removeAtomicPunk AtomicPunk19 bust outs166,666 chips
-removebrianc123 brianc12319 bust outs166,666 chips
-removefabio2b fabio2b19 bust outs166,666 chips
-removefeigrenn feigrenn19 bust outs166,666 chips
-removefilinoss filinoss19 bust outs166,666 chips
-removefonner98 fonner9819 bust outs166,666 chips
-35 arrow_upwardTMauga TMauga19 bust outs166,666 chips
-removetrl_gaby trl_gaby19 bust outs166,666 chips
-removeYoungforlife Youngforlife19 bust outs166,666 chips
441 arrow_downwardCAC16 CAC1618 bust outs140,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwarddeedeeson deedeeson18 bust outs140,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardGinger-Wins Ginger-Wins18 bust outs140,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardJustLucky1 JustLucky118 bust outs140,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardmykeikis3 mykeikis318 bust outs140,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardpkrpkrpkr2024 pkrpkrpkr202418 bust outs140,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardThreeSM ThreeSM18 bust outs140,000 chips
511 arrow_downwardkcajual kcajual17 bust outs120,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardPainman1974 Painman197417 bust outs120,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardQuazar53 Quazar5317 bust outs120,000 chips
541 arrow_downwardcavegator1 cavegator116 bust outs115,555 chips
-1 arrow_downwardchfsmokmplnty chfsmokmplnty16 bust outs115,555 chips
-1 arrow_downwardduece2dukes duece2dukes16 bust outs115,555 chips
-1 arrow_downwardGeeWiz GeeWiz16 bust outs115,555 chips
-1 arrow_downwardJessforfun Jessforfun16 bust outs115,555 chips
-1 arrow_downwardphillybert phillybert16 bust outs115,555 chips
-1 arrow_downwardscalpa09 scalpa0916 bust outs115,555 chips
-1 arrow_downwardSergioStorms SergioStorms16 bust outs115,555 chips
-7 arrow_upwardwamboozler wamboozler16 bust outs115,555 chips
632 arrow_downwardcapthfd capthfd15 bust outs100,000 chips
-2 arrow_downwardfreddiebc freddiebc15 bust outs100,000 chips
-2 arrow_downwardFunkston Funkston15 bust outs100,000 chips
-2 arrow_downwardItsAFish ItsAFish15 bust outs100,000 chips
-2 arrow_downwardlusssty lusssty15 bust outs100,000 chips
-2 arrow_downwardminksnopes minksnopes15 bust outs100,000 chips
-2 arrow_downwardPimppcorn Pimppcorn15 bust outs100,000 chips
-2 arrow_downwardSunShyn SunShyn15 bust outs100,000 chips
711 arrow_downwardasher1961 asher196114 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardcomicman comicman14 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwarddaaned daaned14 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardFastMama FastMama14 bust outs100,000 chips
-7 arrow_upwardJojoAll0ver JojoAll0ver14 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardmscullins2 mscullins214 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardPokeruli Pokeruli14 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardroofinguy roofinguy14 bust outs100,000 chips
791 arrow_downwardBicycles Bicycles13 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardbobothedog bobothedog13 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardboss703 boss70313 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardcarlotbob carlotbob13 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardelmop elmop13 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardHillStray HillStray13 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardIamCornPop IamCornPop13 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardjakerodriguez jakerodriguez13 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardkrsaz1 krsaz113 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardnonibb nonibb13 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downwardVTChef VTChef13 bust outs100,000 chips
-1 arrow_downward_vagabond _vagabond13 bust outs100,000 chips
91removebaubcadt baubcadt12 bust outs90,909 chips
-removecallmejp callmejp12 bust outs90,909 chips
-removeDillbee Dillbee12 bust outs90,909 chips
-removefleeter fleeter12 bust outs90,909 chips
-removeHarleyyQueenn HarleyyQueenn12 bust outs90,909 chips
-removeLelaina Lelaina12 bust outs90,909 chips
-removeMiddychi Middychi12 bust outs90,909 chips
-removeMUDFLOOD MUDFLOOD12 bust outs90,909 chips
-removeschnarchi schnarchi12 bust outs90,909 chips
-removeslvrstd slvrstd12 bust outs90,909 chips
-removeyounghunt younghunt12 bust outs90,909 chips
102removebtower btower11 bust outs-
-removechubby0815 chubby081511 bust outs-
-removecmdealin cmdealin11 bust outs-
-removedakotaken68 dakotaken6811 bust outs-
-removeEddieBerry EddieBerry11 bust outs-
-removejust4fun- just4fun-11 bust outs-
-removekjk741 kjk74111 bust outs-
-61 arrow_upwardKRS KRS11 bust outs-
-removeMwaynM MwaynM11 bust outs-
-removePierre1949 Pierre194911 bust outs-
-removeraver4199 raver419911 bust outs-
-removerogkr rogkr11 bust outs-
-removevbland vbland11 bust outs-
1151 arrow_downward35cent 35cent10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardbenjyb benjyb10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardBest_Times Best_Times10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardBillyBoe BillyBoe10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardcountry54 country5410 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardcrazy53 crazy5310 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwarddron888 dron88810 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwarddwood4 dwood410 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardgooddooby gooddooby10 bust outs-
-19 arrow_upwarditsthewolf itsthewolf10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardjokerquads jokerquads10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardjopper jopper10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardjordandavis1 jordandavis110 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardmaternel maternel10 bust outs-
-85 arrow_upwardNWriverrider NWriverrider10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardPapa_Joe Papa_Joe10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardpaperplate paperplate10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardRUEZ RUEZ10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardsas-9999 sas-999910 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardshanebuddy shanebuddy10 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardsmb4747 smb474710 bust outs-
-1 arrow_downwardyoubetyeah1 youbetyeah110 bust outs-
13726 arrow_upward10Buck2 10Buck29 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardA7A7 A7A79 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardardtheboss ardtheboss9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardBobiko Bobiko9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardchuckles999 chuckles9999 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardcipriannn49 cipriannn499 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardDocca2 Docca29 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardDrSbastian DrSbastian9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardGoodhubby Goodhubby9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardGringuito Gringuito9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardgrizz72824 grizz728249 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardgtm gtm9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardgustavog1789 gustavog17899 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardLILKATO LILKATO9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardlynn190333 lynn1903339 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardmarkeeee markeeee9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardmartinrico2 martinrico29 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardMaxymillion Maxymillion9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardmellow1 mellow19 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardMuskel15 Muskel159 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardmutedone mutedone9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardOliHuynh OliHuynh9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardPeopleMover PeopleMover9 bust outs-
-new circlePghRob PghRob9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardpurpleduck purpleduck9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardreddogala reddogala9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardscico scico9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardSuitedpair54 Suitedpair549 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardTheDonny TheDonny9 bust outs-
-3 arrow_downwardWILLIAMRSCHM WILLIAMRSCHM9 bust outs-
1674 arrow_downwardAARD AARD8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardChryptos Chryptos8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardCoolDonald CoolDonald8 bust outs-
-33 arrow_upwardDrSensation DrSensation8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardeladdd eladdd8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardEqualizer61 Equalizer618 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardFearflag04 Fearflag048 bust outs-
-138 arrow_upwardflysky679 flysky6798 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardgarywegs garywegs8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardhardluck11 hardluck118 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardHOMSA HOMSA8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardipecac ipecac8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardlidaatje lidaatje8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardmarini01 marini018 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardMascash40 Mascash408 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardmikepsg mikepsg8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardnana1234 nana12348 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardPedler70 Pedler708 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardPHeadyB PHeadyB8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardphillio1 phillio18 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardprohugo prohugo8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardRamest Ramest8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardRc89 Rc898 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardrobertboness robertboness8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardroyaldab royaldab8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardSAMHOP4255 SAMHOP42558 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardsandman1979 sandman19798 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardSaturnus1 Saturnus18 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardSirArgouges SirArgouges8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardSMITMAN66 SMITMAN668 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardSmoothsurfin Smoothsurfin8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardSuperCheezWZL SuperCheezWZL8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardTails52 Tails528 bust outs-
-83 arrow_upwardthesaint63 thesaint638 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardToza08 Toza088 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardusedfordguy usedfordguy8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardwkatl wkatl8 bust outs-
-4 arrow_downwardZorro-2168 Zorro-21688 bust outs-